

Goblo Quintesse casts spells of love with words, captivating his lovers Nani Neary, Lila Langione, Mime Matisse, and, in the end, himself as well


'There will be those who'll say it's a cop out, and those who'll say it's a manifesto; those who'll say it's a fragment, and those who'll say it's a bible. There will be those who'll say it's drunk on its own excesses; and those who'll say this very delirium is its greatness'.

Aubrey Dillon-Malone, The Evening Herald

'neither slick nor over-clever, betraying all the ingredients of the genuine Fools of literature in whom an unconscious nobility rather rebellion is the mainspring'.

Gillman Noonan, The Irish Times

'Kiely's prose presents a stream of surreal images, evoking an Ireland that is part real and part literary tradition'.

Stephen H Cape, Library Journal New York

'As did the mature Nabokov in Ada, the novice Kiely offers a sort of palimpsest of erotic memories, in which old experience glimmers beneath the surface of new'.

Stephen Whittaker, Best Seller NY

'This first novel has quite a simple plot, I have read it three times to establish this, and it was worth it'

Gerry Colgan, The Irish Independent

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